Sunday, 10 May 2015

Life as we (she) know(s) it

So it's been well over a year since I last spoke to you all and what a crazy time it's been. First big news, I got diagnosed with crohns.

A little wee bit about crohns. Its an auto immune disease where basically my immune system attacks healthy cells and results in me being really sick, so sick 2.5 weeks ago I had to have surgery to remove a benign tumour and dying part of my intestine. There was so much scar tissue from the crohns attack I had a blockage of food and was in incredible pain.
This has been what life has been like for me (thanks Ivana Danielle)
All is good now I am recovering and so happy to live me life like a fairly normal person.

Now I'm good, I'm still a quirky designer from living in east London. Thats not going to change.

Thanks as always
Sophie the sack maker.

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