This is just an arbitrary statement to lead into me showing you some more archive work that I came across, that makes me smile and reflect to simpler times in my life. Yes I sound like a character from Rushmore, because I think some days I am.

This is my featured back, aka the taped duffel I did for Adidas SLVR, in their first season. I constructed the first proto myself sent it to the factories, made amendments (over seen by the team leader of SLVR and creative director of SLVR and Y-3). I am really proud of this bag as 2 weeks ago I saw a guy in the street wearing it. I stopped him and asked his feedback about the bag and he said how useful it was. This made me content, as this is my main objective when designing.

Concept covered Lanyard

Concept covered keyring

Belt designed by myself with the aid of graphic designer Denis Hohman

The stripy accessory is my stripy hanging purse.

The original purse I designed, with the Origami concept.
Enjoy guys!
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