Just found a prime example :
Valentino - Crystal bird clutch (so I guess no blood diamonds) |
When in the world is this (above) a good idea. For a start what a wast of life both for the poor birdy (or birdies) that had to die for this monstrosity, and the ickle silk worms too! Next the waste of diamonds, if your on the same page, could they be blood diamonds, it would shock me if they did. And finally was the designer who created this utterly blind? The only redeeming feature is the colour way, mink pink and black, but I guess that's a no-brainer.
In other news LVMH (aka the dons of Fashion, Louis Vuitton etc.) have bought 14% of Hermes, lets hope they don't ruin that 14% and therefore depreciate it's value. But seeing how, in the past few years, they have turned their own branding around, I am not too worried for Hermes. Congratulations.
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