Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Forgot how tiring work is.

Yes this statement seems obvious, and true too. But honestly I forgot. I just completed my first mood board in an age, and now I feel totally and utterly exhausted!

However satisfied.

In other news, what a wonderful Tuesday it is! And also Monday night. A friend and I watched Baquiat an amazing film (even funny at times) about a great revolutionary artist: Jean- Michel Basquiat.

The real Basquiat, above the actors in the film about his life.

Basquiat and Warhol.

The whole film was totally inspiring, please do watch.

Other nineties influences of today's research that didn't make the cut, see below!

Paul Savile for New Order

Grace Jones Mafia, probably creatively directed by Jean-Paul Goude

Flower boob- Jean-Paul Goude (not actual name : ) )

Hope you enjoy today's offerings,
Also check out the blog I guest write on : http://mimosopop.com/ under the name sophiethesackmaker.

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