Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Jasper and his fantastical life drawing class

It is a shame that I have not written about this sooner as this is one of my great passions in life currently. It is the life drawing class I have attended for two terms now, taught by one of the best art tutor I have ever had (and that's saying something as I have had a lot as some of the best London institutes for art and design! Not in a cocky way : ) )
John Sloan, great art tutor, New York!
Here is the link to the facebook page.

Basically the issue is, not enough people have heard about this class and Tower Hamlets council are threatening to shut it down (as they would probably rather spend the arts budget on the flipping Fireworks, that gets them good press, whereas this travesty will only get them bad press!)
Where Tower Hamlets would rather spend their arts budget, cost = £106000 
We can't let them shut it down, but also more importantly people should join.
It's been the best class I've been too, it's super good value, and Jasper is such a character everyone should meet him! (no lie) (p.s. I shall get more images : ) )

I have learnt things I didn't imagine I would, and the things I thought I would have, have been a pleasure, enjoyable, and rather quick, I can now draw a nude within 5 mins and get her in proportion, her feet and hands no longer look like spades and she has a humanistic volume, therefore all boxes ticked!

For further information about the class please join the facebook group above, call the Ideas Store on 020 7364 5665 

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