Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Y-3 NEW BEIJING STORE - Sports lux?

I have just seen the latest images of the new Y-3 store in Beijing, looks super sleek in proper Y-3 style.
The black fixtures almost look like wet tar, very sensual just like the designs of Mr Yamamoto and his designers.

I remember a friend who was a designer on his team retelling me a story of when she was showing him her new prototypes of her shoes, he asked her what sort of sound they make, she replied "clip,clop, like horses", he giggled. These little snippets remind you that there are real people behind the pieces.
I hope you enjoy the new store!x
I like the playfulness of the graphic on the tote bag.

I love the wacky colour-way of these trainers, I could totally imagine M.I.A. rocking up in them (not Cheryl cole,www.perezhilton.com)
This is my absolute favourite!!! But at £318.20 I don't think I'll be loving on my feet. Like most things in the world they shall be loved from afar!

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